Rebates | Qualifying Criteria
Prior to purchase and installation, ensure your project meets the required criteria
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Air Compressor
VFD Retrofit for Air Compressor
Must be a rotary screw compressor
Must have a horsepower rating greater than or equal to 5 hp and less than 25 hp (18 kW)
Must operate in a stand-alone capacity or as a trim compressor, i.e. not base loaded in a multiple compressor ssytem
Must be permanently installed
Customer compressed air pressure and flow rate must not be modified. Customer baseline hours of operation must remain the same
Customer must comply with Title 24: Section 120.6(e). Mandatory Requirements for Compressed Air Systems (See Code Requirements)
Boiler, Commercial
Meet minimum qualifying efficiency ratings in the Measure Case Description and must comply with emission limits per air district, if applicable. Note that higher efficiency boilers are often condensing and may require flue modifications to handle the condensate.
Meet the definition of a tankless water heater, as defined by the California Energy Commission.
Be used primarily for domestic hot water.​
Provide hot water only when there is a hot water draw from the end use.
Have an input rating of at least 4,000 Btu/hr/gal of stored water.
Boiler, Process
Water boilers must have an input rating less than or equal to 20,000 Btu/hr. The combustion efficiency must have a documented combustion efficiency of 85% or greater under full load conditions.
Steam boilers must have an input rating less than or equal to 20,000 kBtu/hr. The combustion efficiency must have a documented combustion efficiency of 83% or greater under full load conditions.
Hot Water Pipe Insulation
The pipe must transfer hot water, low-pressure steam, or medium-pressure steam directly from gas-fired equipment, and the fluid type must be indicated. If the fluid is steam, the pressure of the steam must also be indicated.
The minimum qualifying pipe diameter is 0.5".
A minimum of 1" of pipe insulation must be added to existing bare commercial or industrial steel or copper pipe.
Acceptable types of insulation for hot water pipes include elastomeric foam rubber, polyethylene foam, UV-resistant polyethylene foam, and rigid polyurethane foam.
Steam Boiler Economizer
Applicable to steam boilers only.
The steam boiler must have an input rating less than or equal to 20 million Btu/hr.
The boiler manufacturer, model, and spec sheet should be submitted for verification.
For a dual stage economizer
The disposal of combustion condensate must meet local codes regarding sanitary drain or storm sewer.​
Some applications may require a neutralizer for the acidic combustion condensate.
Steam Trap, Commercial
This measure is limited to the replacement of steam traps that have failed (in either the leaking failure or the blow-through failure mode) and are replaced with a new properly functioning steam trap or steam trap capsule.
Steam traps designed for any pipe size are eligible.
Commercial Cooktop
All gas and electric cooktops that have been tested via the ASTM F1521 test method to have cooking efficiency greater than or equal to 81% for electric units or greater than or equal to 43% for gas units.
Used or rebuilt equipment is not eligible
Exhaust Hood Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV)
This measure is limited to the purchase and installation of a new commercial kitchen exhaust hood control system installed in an existing or a new dedicated commercial kitchen exhaust hood (or hood system) and make-up air system.
The measure requires the installation of a sensor(s) in the hood exhaust collar or within hood, that senses cooking conditions and allows the system to automatically vary the rate of exhaust and make-up airflow. Advanced systems that can communicate directly with cooking appliances varying the rate based on cook cycles are allowed in lieu of hood sensors.
The control system must be used in conjunction with a variable-speed drive (VSD) or directly vary the speed of an EC motor on the exhaust and supply fans. Systems with a single exhaust fan installed on multiple hoods must use balancing dampers to vary the airflow in the separate hoods.
The control system must be able to control the supply airflow proportional to the exhaust airflow on the make-up air side by either varying the speed of the MUA or DOAS fan motor or by varying the amount of outside air by contorlling a damper. This can be done indirectly by the DCKV system through EMS integration or direct communication with the MUA or DOAS.
Installations of new exhaust hoods must have a total of all kitchen hoods' exhaust be less than or equal to 5,000 cfm.
Used or rebuilt controls are not eligible.
New exhaust hoods systems over 5,000 cfm which have not met any of three alternative options listed in Title 24 Section 140.9(v)2B are not eligible.
Hand Wrap Machine
This measure is for a new commercial on-demand hand-wrap machine that uses either a mechanical or optical control system.
The new hand wrap machine may replace a conventional or always-on hand-wrap machine or may be installed where there was not an existing hand-wrap machine (i.e. non-replacement installations).
Used or rebuilt hand-wrap machines are not eligible.
Low-Flow Pre-Rinse Spray Valve
This measure is defined as a new commercial-grade pre-rinse spray valve (PRSV) with a maximum flow rate less than or equal to 1.07 gpm that replaces a PRSV with a maximum flow rate of 1.20 gpm for a spray force greater than 5.0 ozf and less than or equal to 8.0 ozf; and as a new commercial-grade PRSV with a maximum flow rate greather than or equal to 0.75 gpm that replaces a PRSV with a maximum flow rate of 1.00 gpm for a spray force less than 5.0 ozf.
This measure is restricted to operations with natural gas water heaters only.
Used or rebuilt equipment.
Patio Heater
All patio heaters must be tested by an ISO 17025-accredited laboratory using ASTM F2644-07 Standard Test Method for Performance of Patio Heaters.
The measure pertains to energy efficient gas patio heaters of vertical and horizontal type with a minimum heat index of 2.2 sq.ft./kBtu/hr.
Used or rebuilt equipment are not eligible.
Electric and propane patio heaters are not eligible.
Underfired Broiler
The measure case (replacement) underfired broiler must have an input rate less than or equal to 22 kBtu/hr/len-ft while maintaining a surface temperature of 600 degrees F, per ASTM F1695 standard.
The base case broiler must be similar size or larger than the replacement unit.
Used or rebuilt equipment is not eligible.
Air Cooled Chiller
Products are required to meet both full load and integrated part load efficiency requirements specified in the Measure Case Description.
The energy and demand impacts of this measure are applicable only to commercial buildings with chiller equipment serving space comfort. Other chiller measures serving non-space comfort and/or processes and/or industrial applications shall be evaluated and incentivized under custom programs.
In a central or multi-chiller cooling plant with lead-lag configuration, "lead chiller measures may only be utilized in custom programs and shall not be used in deemed downstream, upstream incentive, or direct install programs. Note that code requirement categories (Path A and Path B) are not a product classification and do not imply installation as a lead chiller. Energy impacts are determined with the assumption that the chiller is not a lead chiller.
VSD for a Central Plant System
All new variable speed drives (VSDs) and motor equipment must be UL Listed a specifically rated for the application.
Constant speed Condenser Water Pump (CWP) and Chilled Water Pumps (CHWP) not already equipped with a VSD are eligible.
For CHWP VSD Incentives: CHWP VSD measure is only eligible if the host equipment (CHWP) was installed before 2005 and the chilled water coils are controlled by three-way valves.
This measure is only eligible for delivery through downstream direct install for which the installation contractor must verify the type of existing controls. Specifically, the installation contractor must:
Verify and document central plant vintage via "as-built" drawings or similar;​
Verify and document that existing incentivized pump operates at constant volume excluding modulating speed controls;
Verify and document that zone distribution system (e.g. fan coil and/or air handler unit) is controlled by 3-way CHW valves.
Implementation and Installation Requirements
For a VSD addition to the CWP special attention must be given to the condenser water flow turndown capabilities of the existing chiller(s). It is imperative that chiller manufacturer selection data and retrofit information be reviewed carefully to ensure that the existing chiller(s) is (are) rated to operate at the selected minimum condenser water flow, and that the control strategy includes capability to increase the flow as needed to keep the leaving condenser temperature from exceeding an upper limit dependent on the existing chiller.
For a CHWP, the designers should evaluate the flow control at the cooling/heating coil in the air-handling units and should consider a potential retrofit from 3-way to 2-way valve and/or pressure differential sensors and controls that may be needed to adequately complete the meausure.
In all cases, measure installation must meet all applicable regulations including but not limited to the current California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24) and the National Electrical Code®.
Water Cooled Chiller
Products are required to meet both full load and integrated part load efficiency requirements specified in the Measure Case Description.
In a central or multi-chiller cooling plant with lead-lag configuration, "lead chiller measures may only be utilized in custom programs and shall not be used in deemed downstream, upstream incentive, or direct install programs. Note that code requirement categories (Path A and Path B) are not a product classification and do not imply installation as a lead chiller. Energy impacts are determined with the assumption that the chiller is not a lead chiller.
Dust Collection Fan VFD
Dust Collection Fan VFD
The customer must have an existing electrically operated fixed-speed fan installed on site or plans to install a new electrically operated fixed-speed fan.
The existing baghouse, fan, and motor must be in proper operating condition.
The baghouse fan motor must be compatible with a variable speed drive (VSD). (Motors that are compatible with VSDs vary by manufacturer. Compatible motors may be labeled as inverter duty, VSD ready, or have insulation classification F)
There must be no previous VSD or failed VSD installed on the baghouse existing fan motor.
The minimum fan size must be 10 hp to 150 hp, as defined in the measure description.
The installed VSD must be controlled based on static pressure, airflow rate (cfm), or velocity at the lowest required rate to keep particulates suspended in the air stream.
The VSD is recommended to meet requirements as specified by IEEE Standard 519-2014.
The fan/blower must not be a designed high-pressure blower. High pressure blowers have designed capacities of less than 150 cfm per rated horsepower. (Applicable only to fan motors larger than 50 hp.)
Cogged V-Belt for HVAC Fan
A cogged V-belt can be installed on supply air and return air fans in rooftop units that do not already have a cogged V-belt.
Only "A" and "B" V-belts, the two types typically used in rooftop units, are applicable for this measure.
Demand Control Ventilation for Single Zone HVAC
The existing system must be packaged single zone DX cooling unit with gas heat, cooling only unit, or heat pump.
The existing system must ventilate continuously during occupied hours and may not have any other device previously installed that is intended to perform DCV such as an occupancy sensor that controls ventilation rate.
The measure shall only be applied where it will result in a reduction to the overall ventilation that is supplied for the space.
The existing system must have an operable airside economizer installed, and economizer high limit must be optimized for the climate per Title 24 2019 Table 140.4-E.
Supply Fan Controls
This measure requires filed documentation of the existing conditions that verify the measure was necessary and that the measure was successfully applied.
Additional technician verification of thermostat wiring and the number of cooling stages that should be performed to ensure that the first stage of cooling is dedicated to economizer operation and two-stage thermostat operation is enables where possible.
The controller changeover setpoint should be adjusted appropriately based on the available number of thermostat cooling stages.
Contractors and technicians that implement the measure must meet all certification and training requirements in accordance with program requirements.
Contractors and technicians that implement this measure must ensure that the existing unit does not already have the supply fan in automatic mode or switched OFF during unoccupied periods.
Unitary Air-Cooled Air Conditioner
All unitary direct expansion (DX) equipment is eligible. For the normal replacement measure application type, the replacement equipment must be "like for like" (e.g. a heat pump for a heat pump). Likewise, for the new construction measure application type, although there is no existing system being replaced, the baseline fuel type must be the same as the equipment being installed (i.e., no fuel substitution) for the purposes of savings claims.
The model number is used to ascertain the equipment efficiency of a package system. The equipment efficiency of a split system will be based on a combination of the condenser and evaporator model numbers provided by a distributor. The efficiency rating will then be verified according to the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institue (AHRI) or Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) database or manufacturers specification sheets.
Field inspections should be performed to verify the condenser/unit model number for quality assurance purposes.
Because of the large number of evaporator/condenser combinations available for split systems, some averages and/or minimum efficiencies may be used for certain groups of equipment.
LED, High or Low Bay
The measure must replae a lumen equivalent fixture of higher wattage.
The installed fixture must be on the DesignLights Consortium (DLC) qualified product list (QPL). The product efficacy must meet or exceed the specified "measure case" efficacy based on the "rated" or "measured" eficacy in the DLC database. THis requirement is to ensure the efficacy reported by the manufacturer has been confirmed by a third-party entity.
The LED fixture or retrofit kit must be listed in the Technical Requirements table (V5.1) by the DLC under the Genral Category "High Bay" and under the Primary Use Designations as follows:
High-Bay Aisle Luminaires
High-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Low-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Retrofit Kits for High-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Retrofit Kits for Low-Bay Luminaires for Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Bare Suction Line Insulation
The refrigeration suction line on existing equipment must be no more than 1-5/8" in diameter.
This measure is applicable to bare suction lines insulated with closed-cell nitrite rubber or equivalent with at least 3/4" for medium-temperature and 1" for low-temperature systems.
Insulation R-values must be greater than or equal to R-3.2 for medium-temperature cooler lines.
Insulation R-values must be greater than or equal to R-4.3 for low-temperature freezer lines.
Compressor Retrofit, Multiplex
The offerings defined for this measure include:​
The replacement of an existing air-cooled single-compressor system with an air-cooled multiplex system of "Title 24" or to-code efficiency; including both low- and medium-temperature sub-cooling.
Eligibility requirements include the following:
Must replace stand-alone single-compressor system with a high-efficiency multiplex compressor system.
Must include floating head pressure control to a minimum 70°F setpoint.
Air-cooled condensers must use fan cycling or variable speed fans.
Only the suction groups that are mechanically subcooled to 50°F are eligible for rebate.
Floating Head Pressure Controls, Multiplex
To reduce floating head pressure to lower saturated condensing temperature (SCT), the equipment must meet the following requirements:
The controls are added to float head pressure down to a lower pressure when conditions permit (i.e., changes control from fixed setpoint to floating setpoint).
The controls only apply to refrigeration systems having multiplex compressor systems with exsiting control of the SCT at a fixed setpoint.
The new SCT setpoint must follow the ambient temperature by controlling condenser fans with variable-speed drives or by staging condenser fans.
Floating Suction Controls, Multiplex
For adding controls to reset the suction pressure setpoint, the equipment must meet the following requirements:
Convert the suction pressure controls of an existing multiplex system from fixed control to floating control.
Adjust suction pressure to the highest point that will still maintain setpoint temperatures at monitored cases on the suction circuit.
In addition to equipment, a customer must receive training materials including instruction to not override the suction pressure reset or have a service contract for the refrigeration system that includes maintaining controls settings.
Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer
A qualifying ultra-low-temperature (ULT) freezer must meet the following criteria:
Upright ULT freezer designed for laboratory application that will maintain a setpoint storage temperature between -70°C and -80°C (-94°F and -112°F).
ENERGY STAR certification, or the maximum daily energy consumption (MDEC) of an ULT freezer at -75°C (-103°F) is 0.55 kWh/day/ft³
The volume of the freezer must be greater than 15ft³ and less than or equal to 29ft³.
Water Heater
Hot Water Tank Insulation
This measure requires the installation of 1" or 2" fiberglass or foam insulation to an existing, bare liquid storage or transfer tank. The tank must be coupled to gas-fired commercial, industrial, agriculture, or multifamily central equipment that transfers heat to the contained liquid or solution.​
Storage Water Heater
Eligible commercial storage water heaters must meet the following requirements:
Meet minimum qualifying efficiency ratings in the Measure Case Description.
Meet the definition of a storage water heater, as defined by the California Energy Commission:
Be used primarily for domestic hot water.​
Have an input rating of less than 4,000 Btu/hr/gal of stored water.
Tankless Water Heater
Eligible commercial tankless water heaters must meet the following requirements:
Meet or exceed the minimum qualifying efficiency ratings in the Measure Case Description and must comply with emission limits per air district, if applicable. Note that higher efficiency water heaters are often condensing and may require flue modifications to handle the condensate.
Meet the definition of a tankless water heater, as defined by the California Energy Commission:
Be used primarily for domestic hot water.​
Provide hot water only when there is a hot water draw from the end use.
Have an input rating of at least 4,000 Btu/hr per gallon of stored water.